Partnering with Innovators

Performance outerwear enhanced with NASA inspired aerogel technology

Michael Markesbery, Oros Apparel

Partnering with Innovators

Transforming the way media is bought and sold with over $10 Billion of OOH ad campaigns proposed

Ken Sahlin, DOmedia

NCT Ventures' Next Cool Thing—Supporting The Ecosystem

NCT & You

We are entrepreneurs turned investment operators. Our passion is helping founders build great companies.


Located in Columbus, Ohio, NCT is a Midwest focused investment operator. With over 20 years of entrepreneurial experience, we partner with innovators and bring hands-on operational support to help visionary entrepreneurs succeed.

The NCTU Model

The Ideas-to-Business Model was created in conjunction with The Center for Entrepreneurship at The Ohio State University. Available to entrepreneurs through UproundData, the model was created to provide an infrastructure for bringing an idea to market through a series of well defined development phases.

Midwest Focused

the next generation of entrepreneurs are building visionary companies between the coasts. As technology begins disrupting more established sectors, companies located in the Midwest are at an advantage. The West Coast built the ‘Internet’ and the Midwest has the ‘Things’.

Economic Center

Many of the world’s largest corporations are located in the Midwest. Nearly 20% of Fortune 1000 Corporations are headquartered in the region.

Research and Innovation

Over 1,800 colleges and universities are located in the Midwest as well as some of the world’s most respected research and development institutions.

Industrial Powerhouse

The Midwest’s annual GDP is over $3.6T. If ranked against the GDP of countries, the Midwest would have the 4th largest economy in the world, behind the U.S., China, and Japan.

Performance outerwear enhanced with NASA inspired aerogel technology

Michael Markesbery, Oros

Our Investments

NCT partnered with us very early on and their support has been transformational!

Joe Anstine, Rhyme

Through investment, introductions and insight, NCT is a true partner for Beez.

Megan Kvamme, Beez

Our Team

Rich Langdale

Managing Partner

Bill Frank


Lindsay Karas


Michael Butler


Jeff Bell

Venture Partner

Supporting Our Community

investing is a contact sport. We’re committed to helping support a collaborative ecosystem that empowers entrepreneurs to succeed.

Giving Back

For two decades, NCT’s team has given time and resources to initiatives that encourage and promote technology entrepreneurship and venture capital in Ohio, the Midwest and beyond. In addition to founding and funding the Center for Entrepreneurship at The Ohio State University, NCT’s team has participated and supported the efforts of several entrepreneurial organizations including VentureOhio, Columbus Partnership, the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center, InnovateOhio, and more.